
Good news: Our company has won the bid for the commercial land project in Changping District, Beijing


   On November 22, 2017, in the evaluation room of the Beijing Survey, Design, and Surveying Geographic Information Management Office, Jianbang Business Hall, No. 19 Nanlishi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, Boya (Fujian) Architectural Design Co., Ltd. was evaluated by the evaluation committee and confirmed by the tenderer as the winning bidder. Boya (Fujian) Architectural Design Co., Ltd. ranked first and successfully won the commercial land project for Plot B1 of Baishan Triangle CP00-0600-0042 in Changping District, with a total investment of 273.2461 million RMB.

  BoyaFujian Architectural Design Co., Ltd

  November 23, 2017

Previous article:Senior management of Myanmar A.C.E Group came to our company for exchange and inspection
Add: 5th Floor, Boya Building, No. 61 Huayuan South Road, Fengze District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province
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